Monday, March 12, 2007

Just finished watching the pilot episode of "The Riches" on FX - I'll definitely watch next week but it is flawed. I thought it's kind of a mix between the O.C. and Desperate Housewives (I think...I've actually never seen an episode. Not intentionally, it just never happened) and Adale added that there's a little "Carnival" mixed in. It promises to be fun like Profit was, although I don't think it will get quite as wacky. Even though I really liked watching him I couldn't buy Eddie Izzard as a trashy grifter. It's not in his eyes, the way he moves, let alone how he talks (he did a pretty good job of an American accent). The gypsy camp scene was cartoonish. It should be fun regardless.

The pilot was sponsored by what looks like the most awesome movie: Grindhouse. It looks totally crazy...Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez put together a double feature of crazy looking movies. I really don't know what they are about and honestly don't care. All I have to say is that Rose McGowan is an amputee with a machine gun screwed into her leg stump. April 6 bitches, circle your calendars.

So many things are going on today I don't know where to begin:

Israel's ambassador to El Salvador confirmed my interest in Latin American politics
A new comic book confirmed my lack of interest in Keira Knightly
I found out that I really really want to win an oscar
Eddie Van Halen is really selfish and doesn't care about his fans
I learned that being meant to be together isn't necessarily a good thing
I also learned that sometimes people you think are cool turn out to be snitches

Finally, I realized that I am sick and fucking tired of Lost. I hope The Others just kill the lot of them.


ntenhross said...

And people say that celebrity gossip is a waste of time. What you've got there are a bunch fo great life lessons Greg. In fact, I'm fairly certain that you could construct a pretty good 10 commandments our of celebrity behavior. New religion? Wanna found it?

Unknown said...

I'd seen the Keira comix before. Also one with Jessica Alba as Invisible Woman fucking Mr. Fantastic-- both using their superpowers.

You may also want to keep an eye out for the movie "Teeth"-- about a teenage girl and her very real vagina dentata. I squealed when I read about it. I hope it's good and bloody.

Eddie Izzard was pretty good in "My Super Ex-Girlfirend"-- notable for its depictions of superhero sex. The ending, sadly, is contrived, but plowing your lover and the bed through the wall would be something to write home about.

a.m. said...

and I don't think I'm alone on this: good to have you back, Joe.

Mr. T said...

It's funny Holly, but you would be surprised how often someone has suggested that I lead a new awakening. Instead, I think I am going to follow the example of one ofmy heros, Socrates, and let others make what they wih of my words. On the other hand I do have 3 weeks of vacation this year somaybe I could take a crack at it.

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