Monday, March 30, 2009

PAY ATTENTION: Everyone will find this interesting!

Before I let you know my results for the super-awesomeness test, there are a few things I should note. First, supposedly there is no such thing as a good or bad result. This suggests a strong correlation between higher levels of narcissism and awesomeness. Second, others typically see individuals who score high on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory as being egotistical and conceited - or in layman's terms, they're jealous. Third, the average score for the general population is 15.3, and the average score for celebrities is 17.8. The perfect score that all the smartest, best looking, most important people get is 20.

I scored a 20. Please note that this is 2.2 points higher than the average celebrity. Rather than seeing this as high on the narcissism scale, a more accurate and contextual interpretation points out that this score "suggests an admirable level of modesty in relation to the actual awesomeness of the test subject."

Principal component analysis of 1000+ tests has identified a general construct of narcissism comprised of seven components, listed below with my respective scores.

authority: 2/8
self-sufficiency: 3/6
superiority: 3/5
exhibitionism: 5/7
exploitativeness: 3/5
vanity: 1/3
entitlement: 3/6

I've got to get to sleep so y'all can chew on those until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That test was bunk. Some of your scores seem off. This is coming from someone who sees you one maybe two times a year, so I know.

I'd say that I thought highly of you, but after reading your intro I fear that I don't think as highly of you as you do.

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