Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Carrie reminded me that I never let y'all know the fate of little Jimmy Chew. I decided to put him in a hamster cage & let Mr. Peaches have some fun digging out his "prize."

Just Kidding! After I had Jimmy Chew trapped in the kitchen, I went next door and asked our neighbor Ronnie if he grandkids (they stay with her now & then) had a pet hamster. She said they had 2 hamsters & they both got away a month ago. I asked her if one was white & brown and she said that that was the smart one, the one that always figured out a way to escape. She said that the smart one had escaped & helped the smart one get away too. I put Jimmy Chew in a shoe box & showed him to Ronnie - she couldn't believe that he was still alive after a month on the lamb.

Ronnie gave us Jimmy Chew's old cage to put him in - the picture below is of Ronnie marveling at the miracle of Jimmy Chew.

* I saw her little 5 year old grandson Koran a few days later & he told me that the little guy's name is Cinnamon.


carrie said...

didn't koran want cinnamon back? thanks for the update. the pictures made me snort laugh.

carrie said...
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