A few days ago I made an exciting discovery in the garage. I was going through my numerous tubs & boxes when I came across two tubs full of clothes, mostly shirts with a few pairs of pants. These included a number of old favorites that a few of you may remember me wearing - over 50 in total. One argument I would give to Adale about why I needed to keep buying vintage shirts at thrift stores was there is a limited amount of vintage shirts in the world and my fear that someday I wouldn't be able to find any. Now I think the reason I couldn't find any is because I had them all in tubs in my garage.
When I was going to Peru every year I had to have several wardrobes - a skinny one for the Fall, to accommodate the weight I would lose during the summer, a larger one for the Winter/Spring for when the lbs would begin to come back, and my field wardrobe for summer excavations. The tubs had a bunch of shirts from these wardrobes, ones I wanted to save because I hoped I could someday wear them.
These are the ones that were either too big, small, ratty, or boring to keep. Below are several pieces I had a particularly hard time giving up.
The black/white western shirt above was really hard to part with. I've had it since 1994 & have had lots of good times with it.
This is a shirt I bought new in Johnson City (at the Army/Navy store across from the Green Owl Diner) for field work in Peru.
I can't remember exactly when I bought this jacket, maybe 1990/91. In LA, I think.
I'm keeping these because they're the cream of the crop and, even if a few are too small, they're just too awesome to get rid of.
I took the ones I'm not keeping to three vintage re-sale stores & got a little over $100 for 15-20 shirts and teh rest went to a thrift store. I had dreams of finding some dorking 15 year old and making him instantly cool by giving him the shirts but just don't know any, and probably would get arrested trying to find one. Oh well. Someone will be very excited when they roll up on the East End Thrift.
I think this is one of my fave blog posts yet.
I do want to add that I carefully scrutinized each and every shirt with you Allison, Kristin, and our Pittsburgh friend Say in mind but nothing seemed appropriate. I really wanted to send y'all shirts.
thosre are some awesome shirts...
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