Tuesday, July 01, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: I am very important!!!

OMG!!! Right, so I'm reading The Consumerist, catching up on all the important news a knowledgeable consumer like myself needs to know and what do I see? One of my very own fotos from my days as a business traveler along with a shout-out to yours truly!!!

They have a photo pool on flickr and I linked a some of my fotos to the pool in the hopes to expand my influence beyond my current select group of readers. And guess what - they finally used one of my pictures!!! Below is a little snapshot of the page, but you can click here to see it in it's full glory.

As many of you may recognize, my picture is the one of the building with the elephants.

This is very very exciting. It's a long-deserving vindication of my belief that I truly am more important than most people. I think I'll go have a piece of Adale's delicious fudge as a celebration


a.m. said...

I always knew you were.

You should put a link to this here blog in your flickr profile so people can find you over here. Only if you want them too, that is.

carrie said...


Mr. T said...

Thanks!! (Awesome idea Allison - I now have a link to the blog on my flickr profile page).

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