Doesn't Joey look awesome on his first day of school?
Indeed. He is looking mighty fine. Hey Joey, how was your first day??
The classrooms were hot as balls-- to say nothing about the temperature of my own. Luckily Adale advised me to start wearing undershirts, otherwise I would have looked considerably less fine.I don't know how these grownups do it.
Adale is a good friend to have. She's all about the handy tips.I only wish she lived closer to me, though thankfully her powers of helpfulness still work pretty good by phone.
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Doesn't Joey look awesome on his first day of school?
Indeed. He is looking mighty fine.
Hey Joey, how was your first day??
The classrooms were hot as balls-- to say nothing about the temperature of my own.
Luckily Adale advised me to start wearing undershirts, otherwise I would have looked considerably less fine.
I don't know how these grownups do it.
Adale is a good friend to have. She's all about the handy tips.
I only wish she lived closer to me, though thankfully her powers of helpfulness still work pretty good by phone.
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