Monday, July 02, 2007


These are pictures from my high school trip to Peru in February of 1987.

No, Anthony Michael Hall did not come with us on the trip - this is The Man at 16 years old.

Taking a boat from Iquitos (on the Amazon) to the "Jungle Amazon Inn" a few hours down river. We had some very authentic experiences, like as we were being guided on a trail being show the flora & fauna, we happened onto a clearing in the jungle. Lo and behold, a couple of Jungle natives appeared, dressed in Jungle native garb, and our guide said we could trade things we had for stuff they had - blow guns, etc. I got a mini blow gun. What a coincidence, huh?

At the train stop between Cuzco and Machu Picchu.

Trail leaving Macchu Picchu and heading up Huayna Picchu.


a.m. said...

that picture of you is classic. you are so AMH in sixteen candles.

carrie said...

that freaked me out! before reading the text underneath, i was thinking, "why is there a picture of anthony michael hall in a cafeteria on greg's blog?".

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