Thursday, June 14, 2007

There were two main reasons why the blog mysteriously shut down for a few weeks: my business faux pas in Spokane, and that I let pictures & posts stack up. One of the cardinal rules is to just write about stuff that day, and if you don't get to something skip it because those things will pile up and haunt your dreams. As a wise man once said in a touching ballad, you can't put time in a bottle. Or maybe it was don't stop believing, or touch me in the morning, or smack my bitch up. I don't really remember.

That said, I really wanted to put out some more pictures from my Austin trip. We had a ton of fun with Carrie and I think we all could get into a lot of trouble if I could figure out a way to move there. Even though we only met them for a few hours, her friends seemed cool and I'm not saying that just because we all got naked in the hot tub together.

I took Adale around the neighborhood I used to live in and for a little treat we decided to stop at Fran's Hamburgers to get a coke & some fries (it used to be Dan's but Fran got a couple of the drive-ins in the divorce). Maybe 2 blocks away from South Congress, a super busy street, we walked by a house with a big pig in their fenced in yard.

We thought "goddamn that's weird...I can't believe they're allowed to have a pig in their front yard" and then just a block away we saw a house with a big-ass billy goat on their trashy porch.

Carrie took us to a fun little bar that's decorated in old Christmas decorations year round. It was pretty awesome. She said that it was her neighborhood bar when she lived in North Austin and I was totally jealous.

The Poodle Dog is another bar right by the Xmas bar. Carrie said that it was pretty rough, which does seem weird since it's call the Poodle Dog.

We all took a long drive in the Hill Country that culminated in a trip to Luckenbach, TX.

The trip ended the only way it could, with tasty breakfast tacos.


carrie said...

you didn't mention the cornell hurd band experience. the way you swooped in on the absolute last table at jovita's that night was amazing!

Unknown said...

Two things:

1. Poodle bar being for toughs is like a boy named Sue.

2. Mexican food should be eaten, not examined.

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