Tuesday, February 27, 2007

As you may have noticed Business n'at has been undergoing some editorial and content changes as of late. The Board of Directors is currently considering a new Mission Statement for this blog and will appreciate your patience while we forge a new, exciting future for Business n'at.

Management would also like to extend an invitation for reader thoughts and comments on our ongoing changes.


a.m. said...

I fully support the new changes (new background is especially pleasing), but I did always appreciate the randomness of never quite knowing what I'd find on business n'at.

I have a sneaking suspicion that if you change over fully to cats n'at...it's really just be cats n'cats...n'more cats. no that there's anything wrong with that - I just don't want to miss out on your breakfast buffets and airmile updates.

Anonymous said...

do you mean lesbians n'at?

Juan Carlos said...

I give up! G, you are welcome to do whatever you like with the cats. But, like Allison, I will miss the stories of your road travels and dread having to suffer through cats in frog hats every day. But, to each his own, and I respect your dedication. Long live business n'at!

Unknown said...

i feel bad that joey can't weigh in because his computer is broken. I will go ahead and suggest that Joey would especially miss the more perverse elements to Business n'at, including Furry Fridays.

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