Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm pretty sleepy and am going to read a little & fall asleep. I had two enormous pieces of pizza, maybe one of the best pizzas I've ever had, and they sent me into sleepytown. I have never ever seen toppings piled on like they did at Vince's Pizza Park. Even though I was really hungry I didn't think about a third for a second.

we went to a dinner party at these people's house last night. It was pretty fun - we got to meet some new people, including one gal who's in the new roller derby league in town.

I'd write more but the delicious pizza is dragging me down. Peace out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now I see what Wertham was talking about.

Superman is about to roger that little boy.

Up, up, and away.

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