Sunday, January 25, 2009

Y'all have heard about the new Jim Carrey Movie, Yes Man, where he has to say yes to everything in order to experience the fullness of life? I can really relate to that character. I'm just like him, except only with donuts, liquor, and videos where people get attacked by animals.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wel, my leg is 90% healed, I'm over my cold, and I've finally found my groove at work. Xmas break was super busy. 

We fought off crazy dagos in Pittsburgh who were fighting to buy their spicy meatballs.

Did it up redneck style with quadrunners

Dressed up the dog to honor the birthday of the baby Jesus

Popped Cristal bottles all night long on New Years

Rocked it out with Dick Clark

Made a kitty nest for Mr. Peaches

Somehow I can't find any pictures of our fun times with Kristen, but rest assured, we had tons of fun. Once we get a certain someone to move to Philly we'll be able to eat quesadillas together all the time.

BREAKING NEWS: I'm Chuck Bass!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thursday, January 08, 2009

i don't remember the instructional videos at burger king being this much fun. Adale just called me a true retard for watching these, but she'll never have the grill skills I have.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Carpeted Stairs 1, My Calf Muscle 0

I'll have updates on the Xmas break later, but there's a more pressing news story at the moment - I'm injured!! It's a pretty lame story. I was stepping down a mini-flight of stairs (2 stairs) and felt a sharp pain in my calf, like someone hit me with a ball-peen hammer. I fell down but managed to hobble downstairs & called Adale to drive me home. Adale diagnosed me from the web & today my doctor confirmed what she thought - I have a calf strain, meaning I have a tear in my calf muscle. It was totally weird the first night because the injury to the muscle made it so my foot had to be pointed completely down or I was in crazy pain. The doctor gave my crutches (unfortunately, he was all out of canes) . 

The bad news is that I may never be able to jog again.
The good news is that for the next few days I can legitimately use scooters at the grocery, as I do in the grainy video below. You wouldn't believe how those things can turn on a dime.

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